In part 1 of this series, you learned a few of the amazing uses and benefits of coconut oil.  The benefits included healthier hair, skin, and teeth.  In the second part to this series, you will learn even more about the incredible product of coconut oil and wonder why you did not start using it sooner!

Stain Remover

[caption id=“attachment_11824” align=“aligncenter” width=“1000”]landscape-1455636455-gettyimages-76528339-1200x600 Good Housekeeping[/caption]

Stains are the worst.  Stains do not care how new your shirt was or how expensive your rug is.  Their mission is to stay on your clothing or furniture and haunt you.  There are many stain removers out there, but one of the most effective and gentle stain removers is coconut oil mixed with baking soda.  You simply make a paste by mixing half coconut oil and half baking soda together, apply the paste to the furniture or clothing stain, wait 5 minute, then wipe!

Natural deodorant

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According to, “Sweat itself has no smell. However, the bacteria living on your skin can produce undesirable odors.”  Coconut oil’s antibacterial qualities make it an extremely effective natural ingredient to fighting under arm oder.  Here is an awesome link to a recipe for making your own natural coconut oil deodorant: The Prairie Homestead

Health Booster

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So far, you have learned about the large benefits that coconut oil can have on the outside of your body.  Now, it’s time to take a look at how it benefits the inside.  When incorporated in food or taken orally, coconut oil is known to boost your metabolism, improve both your brain and bone health, and reduce your belly fat.  Coconut oil is packed with medium-chain triglycerides that increase how many calories you burn daily and kick your metabolism into overdrive.  This results in lower belly fat and overall better health.  This is extremely beneficial to anyone wanting to shed a few pounds.  The way coconut oil improves your brain health is due again to the large amount of medium-chain triglycerides that is contains.  When the medium-chain triglycerides are broken down they provide an energy boost to your brain.  Lastly, coconut oil’s antioxidants protect and maintain the health of your bones.