In our republic, there are often mixed feelings about whether one should admire the President or diminish his role to merely a servant of the people. It can also depend on whether you agree with him politically or despise his methods. However, whether liked or disliked, revered or ignored, you can visit many of the former Presidents at their very own library and museum. The library exists as part of the National Archives and Records Administration and preserves valuable documents and objects that come from that particular President’s administration. This structure allows average citizens who are doing research on a certain topic to visit this library and examine certain documents that they may possess.

The museums can be plain and unordinary or stunning such as the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library that contains the entire Air Force One Jet or Marine One Helicopter that he used during his administration. Two libraries also have what is called the Situation Room. This room is a highly elaborate digital and physical system that incorporates a group of people into a Presidential Scenario using top news networks, the original situation room from the White House (which was replaced during George W Bush’s administration with better technology) personal tablets and video simulations that include you as a participant. This set-up is like something that one would see at Disney World or Universal Studios without the long line (appointments are necessary and only can be scheduled as a group). Here are all of the existing libraries-

  • Herbert Hoover Library- West Branch, Iowa
  • Franklin D Roosevelt Library- Hyde Park, New York
  • Harry S. Truman Library- Independence, MO
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum, and Boyhood Home- Abilene, Kansas
  • John F. Kennedy Library- Columbia Point, Boston, MA
  • Lyndon B. Johnson Library- Austin, TX
  • Richard Nixon Library- Yorba Linda, CA
  • Gerald R. Ford Library- Museum in Grand Rapids and Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • Jimmy Carter Library- Atlanta, Georgia
  • Ronald Reagan Library- Simi Valley, CA *contains Situation Room
  • George H.W. Bush Library- College Station, Texas
  • William J. Clinton Library- Little Rock, Arkansas
  • George W. Bush Library- Dallas, Texas *contains Situation Room
  • Barack Obama Library- To be built in Jackson Park, Chicago, Illinois