Quitting a job is never simple. There are many variables that can go wrong. Many relationships that can be broken, and many disappointments can be expected. However, the process doesn’t always have to be negative. If you know how to behave during the process of quitting, the negative outcomes I was talking about earlier could be replaced with positive ones.

In today’s post, I’m going to teach you how to leave your job in a very graceful way. Here are the 5 tips for a better job quitting experience:

1. Finish All the Important Projects

Put yourself in your employer’s shoes. You count on somebody to finish an important project, and that somebody decides to quit all of a sudden without completing your objective. That would be terrible for you as a leader that cares about the company’s objectives, and that’s exactly how your boss would feel.

Therefore, make sure that before even sending your quitting notice, you have everything in place. Do that extra task, help with that extra ideas, and do your best to give value, and never quit before handling the necessary.

2. Always Give Notice in Advance

This is like a non-written common-sense rule that applies to every single job. In order not to harm the company’s performance and activity, let your team leads know that you are planning to leave. Only do so when you are totally certain that you’re not going to continue.

Moreover, you should help out with the replacement process. For example, if your job role is contributing significantly to your company’s success, it would be great if you can find a solution. You could teach one of your colleagues to take your role, or you can find another solution that makes your employer’s life easier.

3. Be a Professional and Act Accordingly

Being professional means different things for different people. However, in general, when it comes to quitting a job, staying professional means keeping both your integrity and personal decisions in balance. If you see that the situation is tense and that your boss has a hard time understanding and dealing with your decision, be humble and patient.

Don’t start a fight, don’t take things personally, and don’t be on the offensive. Allow the waters to calm down, and initiate objective conversations based on pure sincerity. Be a professional and make your exit as smooth and effective as possible!

4. Never Show Off with Your New Job Opportunities

Don’t be flashy in front of anyone – it only shows that you care too much for attention, and it will make people like you less. If by the time you send your quit notice you already have another better job opportunity, make sure that you keep it quiet. Don’t show off in front of your colleagues or your bosses, as many of them will either feel envy or angry with you.

Modesty will get you a lot in life, and it’ll help you in these situations too. Don’t worry, you’ll get praises later when you will be established in your new job environment. Life will definitely change, so damaging relationships with your current colleagues because of a depreciated attitude is absolutely unnecessary.

5. Make Rational Decisions & Stick to Them

Something to keep in mind: once you make a decision, you should never back down. The reason is simple: the more you get used to changing your decisions and not following through with them, the more you’ll lose control over your life and choices.

Mark Hudson, the HR Manager at Resumesplanet, suggests: “Quitting a job is obviously a huge decision, so take your time and find the best reasons for your resignation. Most importantly think in advance and predict whether you’ll need this job back or not. Once you make that rational decision, stick to it and see where life brings you. Most of the time, you’ll make the right decision, so avoid second guessing as much as possible. Trust your guts and you’ll be fine.”

Putting It All Together

Employees that manage to leave their jobs with grace are gaining a huge advantage for their long-term career resources. Leaving a company knowing that most of your colleagues would jump in to help you later is a great feeling and quite an accomplishment to obtain. Quitting a job should never be taken personally by anyone – it’s a matter of choice, and the motives of the ones who quit should never be questionable!