With all the drama surrounding America’s 2016 Presidential Election, the only positive thing (?) to come out of this mess is the fact that Canada doesn’t seem to be looking quite like our sad older sister who was never able to get married. Canada should probably get ready to come out with some fat-free, gluten-free, glucose-free maple syrup because AMERICA: The Soap Opera of All Soap Operas is getting messier and messier and the Americans might be coming!

If the hotness of Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, wasn’t already enough of an incentive to get our butts to Canada yesterday, then let me tell you about MapleMatch.com. This website was going viral a couple of months ago when the probability of a Trump presidency was as hilarious and unbelievable as discovering that pigs actually can fly. And now with all this email-leaking drama surrounding Ms. Shady-McPantsuit, it’s back and taunting us with an incredibly good time (a Trump-free life).


Maplematch.com boasts: “Maple Match makes it easy for Americans and Canadians to meet online in a safe, friendly, environment…and they just may avoid the unfathomable horror of a Trump presidency in the process.”Be still, my beating heart. They are launching their iOS app on November 8 in NYC, you can even attend so RSVP here.