As we close 2016- the year of “just realizing stuff”, President-elect Trump, Harambe, the release of the iPhone 7, a giant hummus recall, and Brexit- the time has come once more to take out the drawing board and brainstorm resolutions for the New Year. Let this year be filled with good health, happiness, and healing- over physical, mental, and emotional pains that have piled on during the past year.

Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness could be directed toward yourself, other people, or the environment around you. Given the current controversies surrounding the political climate, this could not be more relevant. Have the heart to understand that everyone grows at a different pace and it is important to tolerate opposing viewpoints around you. While it is nice to be surrounded by likeminded people, sometimes it does not hurt to challenge yourself with differing views. Set aside your phone and be in the present. Avoid clutter in your life by deleting old emails and cleaning out your contact list.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone The cliche Carpe Diem pre-New Year post. This will be the year of self-discovery, sanctified in soul searching and salvaging what we can of the past year. Explore new places, try new foods, visit a new country, and learn a new language. allows you to explore different travel opportunities. When in doubt, couchsurfing is also a great option when traveling on a budget.

Be More Active The quintessential point to every proper New Year Resolution list, this entails finding your thing. Whether it is hiking in the hills or working out at your local gym, there are a multitude of ways to stay active and get your blood flowing. Find your niche and stick to it. Manage to eat clean while still allowing yourself to indulge in Costco brownies, drink the recommended 8 cups of water a day, and wake up each morning feeling like the absolute best version of yourself.

Laugh a Little Louder, Love a Little Harder Smile more, it looks nice on you. As we get older, we forget to enjoy the simple things in life as it becomes incredibly easy to lose yourself to responsibilities and daily tasks. Learn to love yourself and love those around you by letting yourself live life to the fullest. This means stepping back from fears and taking on new challenges. As humans, we are innately complex beings who often make things unnecessarily difficult. Too many times, we look back on memories with a lingering nostalgia- treasure your happiest moments in the moment.

Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be. Relinquish any expectations you may have and learn to accept what will be. Absolute perfection does not exist, practice letting go of plans and past experiences that often bleed into the future. By allowing yourself to take in every failure, every heartache, every loss, and every tribulation, you can refocus your energy on the richness within your life and let all of those obstacles ultimately make you a better, stronger, happier person in 2017.