Let’s face it, when Gilmore Girls ended in 2007, you weren’t quite ready to say goodbye to Stars Hollow, so when the series returns to Netflix on November 25, you need to give it the celebration it deserves!

Prioritize food


Lorelai and Rory always shocked us with their massive caloric intake, so not having a vast supply of junk food at hand just wouldn’t be right

Make sure there’s coffee


In its 7 seasons, was there even a single episode where the girls didn’t drink coffee? We’re gonna guess no. Even if you’re watching at night, coffee is a must.

Decorate like Luke


You’ve waited 9 years! No cell phones. 4 episodes deserve your undivided attention

Dress for the Occasion


You can find this sweater here


or this baseball T here

Play a drinking game


Take a sip every time a cup of coffee is ordered, Luke gets upset, the girls eat junk food, one of Rory’s past lovers comes back, and a town hall meeting is called. Good luck!

Featured Image: The Independent